Book Punch and Judy

Book Punch and Judy

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Step right up and experience the classic entertainment of Punch and Judy shows! Our Punch and Judy shows are a delightful addition to any event, from birthday parties to fairs and festivals. Punch and Judy shows are perfect for audiences of all ages, from kids to adults who want to relive the nostalgia of this beloved classic.

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Punch and Judy

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Professor Collywobbles offers a professional Punch & Judy show for your event or party. Lashings of fun and slapstick comedy with a time honoured and traditional show. Ideal for small and large events, birthday and garden parties, fairs and fetes, weddings, festivals etc.

Traditional fun for the whole family!

Gold star Gold star Gold star Gold star Gold star

Jonathan Cann - Magic, Punch & Judy, Balloon modelling, Games - the complete entertainment package!

Merlins animal magic show/punch and judy/disco games/balloon modelling

Multi-talented entertainer providing disco, Punch and Judy, magic show, balloon modelling, circus workshop

. Chris Somerville, known to his young audience as Mr. Bimbamboozle, is one of the North's best loved and most experienced children's entertainers. His...

Circus Themed Fun & Entertainment, Punch & Judy, Magic Shows, Amazing Flea Circus, Puppet Shows & Activity Workshops, Balloon Modelling, SANTA CLAUS, covering all the North of England. MAKATON Friendly.

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