We offer Three party packages plus you can add a range of added extras to your booking!
Our Safari party is a One hour animal handling session with a range of animals including a range of different Snakes, Lizard, Gecko, Tarantula, Scorpion, Giant millipede, Stick insect, Hedgehog, Tortoise and ferret.The children will get to learn all about our amazing animals.
Our Mini party is perfect for younger children or for children that just like cute/ cuddly animal as this party can be booked for 30 minutes or One hour and includes Rabbits, Guinea pigs, Tortoise, Hedgehog and pole cat, The children are able to feed, brush and hold the animals.
The other option we offer is the pet n play party, This party is perfect if you would like the whole party taken care of as the children will have a One hour animal handling session followed by disco, games, prizes and bubbles after food, This party is for two hours.