Frank Burke - Voice Over

Whitfield + 100 Miles
Member since 2023
I’m an entertaining, smooth, and experienced MC who loves hosting gala dinners, awards events, black tie events, fundraisers, conferences and more, throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK.
  • DBS Certificate

When I'm not using my voice to entertain or provide my warm Scottish vocal quality to corporate presentations, theatre announcements, answering services and training videos and so on, I'm a supporting artiste / extra on TV and film productions. Whilst attending a meeting, someone mentioned my vocal tone and suggested I become a voiceover. That someone turned out to be ‘high-up’ in the BBC in Cambridge. After intensive training from a variety of professional sources, I haven't looked back.

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  • MC at Gala Dinner - Feb 2023
  • Heading out for MC event - Dec 2022