Liza Jane MC

She loves to get to know the audience, and her latest gig involved a bespoke quiz to win a pineapple and a children’s talent show with her travelling dress up box. Whilst involving the crowd, Liza ensures the performers are the stars of the show. She gets to know the acts and event organisers so she can create bespoke content for festivals, weddings and open mic nights and present with knowledge, energy and enthusiasm. Liza Jane’s professional career spans working in media at BBC Magazines to now teaching as head of languages at a secondary school. During this time she has presented at a corporate level with clarity and enthusiasm. Liza always learns about the company, industry, brand, product, and most importantly the people allowing her to write customised material that is memorable, effective, and funny. Liza Jane’s naturally warm and confident personality makes her the perfect MC and as a newcomer on the scene she is fresh and ready to make your event the best!
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