Piper for Ceremony & Reception

A highland bagpiper in full highland regalia for your ceremony. On duty from 30 minutes prior to the ceremony until you are piped into the wedding breakfast. What you get................ • Video call with the happy couple as early as possible after booking me to discuss the big day Bagpiping Duties • Bagpiping outside your ceremony venue for 30 minutes prior to the bride’s arrival • Playing the brides processional tune (if required) • Playing during the signing of the register (if required) • Playing the Happy Couple’s recessional tune (if required) • Playing outside the ceremony venue during photographs • Playing as guests arrive at reception venue (if ceremony and reception venues are different) • Playing as the Happy Couple arrive at reception venue (if ceremony and reception venues are different) • Play the top table in to the reception (if required) (Bagpiping) • Play the happy couple in to the reception (Bagpiping) • Organize and announce the cutting of the cake (if prior to the meal) • Use of my full-size Claymore sword to cut your cake • Skirls Aloud unique Quaich ceremony